Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Historical Stereotypes of Australian Masculinity in the...

Historical Stereotypes of Australian Masculinity in the Film Two Hands and Strictly Balloon â€Å"Film is a powerful player in the construction of national identity. In Australian films, men embody particular masculinities such as rugged practicality and anti-intellectualism, ruthless independence against all odds, and a willingness to die. These masculinities have been embellished and perpetuated in film histories as the ideal held as the standard for imitation† Introduction ============ Since the revival of Australian cinema in early 1970s, Australian films have focused on certain themes of social perceptions and representations of masculinity. We see dominant,†¦show more content†¦Mateship ======== The unique Australian mateship – exclusively male camaderie – pervades all interactions, actively and robustly discouraging those who would be different. Mateship does not acknowledge fear or pain, even when facing death. In Two Hands true mateship is amply depicted. When Jimmy is in trouble, after losing ten thousand dollars, and Pando’s gang wants to kill, Jimmy’s friends (not fearing to commit a crime for mateship sake) help him to repay Pando by robbing a bank together. One of his mates was shot dead by the police. In the bank robbery one of the robbers fell and fainted, an in true spirit of mateship, he is helped by his mate rather than left abandoned. We also see mateship in the relationship between the two kids, although one of them is a boy and the other is a girl (but dressed as a boy to reflect the masculinity stereotype). The two kids look out for each other, when another boy attacks the boy, the ‘girl’ helps her friend and they both get away safely. Also at the end of the story the surviving ‘girl’ avenges the death of ‘her’ friend by killing the gangsters who had earlier run over ‘her’ friend. Also, the garage owner con tacted his mate when a man tried to sell oneShow MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesprofitability as those fixed costs remain firm, therefore requiring different approaches to innovation in management. This is a world where even in established disciplines such as economics some of the founding principles, such as Adam Smith’s â€Å"invisible hand,† are being tested and reworked for the first time in more than 200 years. The traditional basic premise of volume production, which has driven manufacturing for decades—primarily economies of scale—is being challenged by today’s reality. ContinuingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages1 Computerized Decision Making 194 Case Incident 2 Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out 195 7 Motivation Concepts 201 Defining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢ Theory X and Theory Y 205 †¢ Two-Factor Theory 205 †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs 207 Contemporary Theories of Motivation 208 Self-Determination Theory 208 †¢ Job Engagement 211 †¢ Goal-Setting Theory 212 †¢ Self-Efficacy Theory 215 †¢ Reinforcement Theory 218 †¢ Equity Theory/Organizational

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